תפזורת על הספר כנפי האש


ז ס ג א ז ת ל ר ד ק ט
ד ע ב ב ק א ש נ ע נ נ
נ ה פ י ד ט ש ש ש ב ט
ג ט ו פ ר י ה ש ל ו מ
כ ג ס ס ז ע נ ה ת א ש
ט נ א ב ש ו ג י כ ה ד
א י ד ש ק א מ י ס ו א
ע ח ע ר ב י ט ר ב ק ג
ט י ד ח ת כ כ י ל ק ב
ק ת ש ק צ ג ע פ ז א ז
ס י ע ר ג ש מ ת ה ב ו


מחסן מילים:

דרקון, נבואה, טופרי השלום, פירייה, יער גשם.

לוח בחירה – טו בשבט

דברים חדשים שלמדתי מהמשימה “מחזור חיי הצמח” בלוח הבחירה הם:

  • למדתי שכדי שהזרע יתחיל לנבוט הוא זקוק לכמה דברים: חמצן, מים, וטמפרטורה מתאימה.
  • למדתי שכמות אור וצמחים אחרים משפיעים על הנביטה.
  • למדתי שבתהליך הנביטה, אחרי שהקליפה תופחת, יבקע ממנה שורשון ונצרון, שמהם שורשים ועלים יתחילו לצמוח.
  • למדתי שפסיגים הם העלים הראשונים של הצמח, שמתחילים לבצע פוטוסינתזה.
  • למדתי שצמח צעיר נקרא “שתיל”.
  • למדתי שבצמח הבוגר יפרחו פרחים – ככה הצמח מתרבה, ומהפרחים יצמחו פירות.
  • למדתי שאחרי שמשהו אוכל את הפרי או שהוא נופל, הזרעים יגיעו לאדמה, שם יצרו צמח חדש.

Innovation Day Reflection


My Reflection:

My feelings before starting my Innovation Day project were excitement, joy, and anticipation. I had been waiting for Innovation Day for a long time and was very excited when it was time to start working on the prototype.

I was excited about creating the project and preparing the prototype, but these feelings definitely changed over time: I couldn’t decide on a suitable invention, and preparing the prototype became agonizing due to lack of time.

One of the actions that contributed to my success on Innovation Day, both positively and negatively, is that our project broke in a part, which required an annoying repair, but the new part we used looked better than the one that broke, which helped the project succeed.

The actions I took to make my project “glow” were to buy a wooden board with a white coating, to make it look like a large, clean, and aesthetically pleasing toilet paper roll.

After presenting the project to the judges, I felt like I made a good impression on them. The problem and the solution we chose helped me and Aviv a lot in presenting the project.

My biggest challenges during this process were gluing everything together. The glue we chose was a non-sticky jelly, which only set after 24 hours, which made gluing very difficult.

Things I would do differently next time, based on what I did compared to others, are adding lighting to the board, maybe pink cotton wool to the bottom of the contraption like a pillow, and putting the contraption in the way it’s supposed to be placed, so it works properly.


This blog post tells about how I felt before and after Innovation Day, meeting the judges, preparing the prototype, difficulties and solutions, Introduction, and finally, possible additions.

Ido’s SMART Goals

Personal Reflection  One area I need to improve is my confidence in speaking English. I would like to work on answering questions in English in class and practicing more in class discussions in English. 

Academic and Learning Skills Goal

For this school year, one of my academic goals is to review my work before giving it to my teacher. In math, I can avoid small mistakes if I check my work when I am done. In English, I will use Read&Write to check my spelling and grammar. It can also read my work out loud, which will help me detect other mistakes as well.
Accommodations and Support:  I have been thinking about the tools or support I need to reach my goals. It would help me if my teachers helped me prepare a checklist that would remind me to check my work before submitting it to my teachers. It would help me if my teachers called on me to answer questions in English. I think the more I do it, the more comfortable I will be to do it by myself. 

Immigration to Israel – The Fifth Aliyah + Aliyah from the Former Soviet Union

Immigration: Fifth
Time period: 1929-1939

What are the main historical and political factors that influenced this immigration?

The main historical and political factors that influenced this immigration are that in 1929, an economic recovery began to appear, which led to the beginning of the fifth wave of immigration, and in 1933, following Hitler’s rise to power, more and more immigrants began to arrive.

What were some of the main challenges that the immigrants faced during their journey and settlement in Israel?

Difficulties adapting to the land – The Jews immigrated to the land lacking knowledge and experience in agriculture and suffered from difficult living conditions (climate, etc.). They settled on lands that were not suitable for settlement. For example: Zichron Yaakov, they bought the lands because of the beautiful scenery but were unaware that the land was rocky and difficult to cultivate.

In what ways did this immigration affect the development of the country and society in Israel?

This immigration affected the development of the country and society in Israel in that most of the immigrants of the fifth immigration settled in the cities, mainly in Tel Aviv, and led to their development.
Among the immigrants were many with academic backgrounds, for example, musicians who founded the Philharmonic Orchestra at that time, doctors, and more. However, a small percentage of the immigrants nevertheless turned to agricultural settlement and engaged in the establishment of new settlements and new kibbutzim.


Immigration: ​​ Immigration from the former Soviet Union
Time period: 1990

What are the main historical and political factors that influenced this immigration?
The main historical and political factors that influenced this immigration are that after many years of disconnection between the Jewish community of the Soviet Union and the State of Israel, the collapse of the Soviet regime in 1990 led to the renewal of the connection between the Jewish community in the Soviet Union and Israel and the immigration of many of the Jewish community to Israel.

What were some of the main challenges that the immigrants faced during their journey and settlement in Israel?

Some of the main challenges that the immigrants faced during their journey and settlement in Israel were: Labor shortage – The farmers of the first immigration refused to accept the workers for work for several reasons: The workers had an idealistic spirit while the farmers were more materialistic. The workers were secular and the farmers were traditional. The Arab labor force was cheaper and more efficient. The Arabs knew work well. Economic problems – Most of the immigrants immigrated without money and those who immigrated with little private capital spent it all on building land and houses.

In what ways did this immigration affect the development of the land and society in Israel?

This immigration affected the development of the land and society in Israel in that this immigration increased the Jewish population from 180,000 to 400,000, making Jews about 30% of the population in the country. The immigrants also settled mainly in the large cities, leading to significant growth in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Tel Aviv became the largest city in the country, and in Haifa, Jews became the majority.

Reflection (individual responses):
If you had been an immigrant during one of these immigrations, what would have been your greatest worry or hope?

My greatest worry was not being able to reach Israel, and my greatest hope was to reach Israel.

How do these stories of immigration connect to broader issues of immigration, identity, and belonging?

The respect for an immigrant’s identity and belonging to Israel was very important. The immigrant needs to feel a sense of belonging to the land.

How were the two immigrations you studied similar?

Both aliyahs had a very similar impact on the development of the population in Israel, on the establishment of cities and the planting of fields.
How were the two aliyahs you studied different?
The aliyahs were different in that the immigrants from the Soviet Union had to struggle against Soviet rule, while the Fifth Aliyah had a much easier time reaching Israel.